Helping engineers identify, fix, and prevent EMC problems since 1987…
March 2025
Dear EMC Colleague,
After 38 years in independent practice, the time has come to cease operations.
- It was ten years ago we lost Bill Kimmel (my good friend and business partner) to cancer. At that time, I started to wind down the business.
- First, I started passing consulting projects along to several respected colleagues. These referrals were “no strings attached” for either clients or colleagues. If you need consulting help, I will continue to do so. Just email me with your request.
- Next, I stopped actively marketing our EMC classes. This allowed a gradual slowdown in business, sparing me the abrupt shock of full retirement. This means no more live classes, although I may record material and put it on line (TBD)
The modified EMIGURU website remains for archival purposes.
- That includes FREE materials — all 59 copies of our newsletter (Kimmel Gerke Bullets), active links to past articles, bibliography, etc. Please help yourself.
- The two books remain available for sale – “EMC Designer’s Guide” and “EMC Suppression Handbook.” The modest profits fund the website.
Finally, THANK YOU to everyone for your business and your friendship. It was very rewarding and great fun, and I sincerely appreciate all of you.
Warm regards,
Daryl Gerke, PE
Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd.
dgerke@emiguru.com – 888-EMI-GURU
PS – Feel free to drop me a line with quick questions (no charge), or just to chat.
CURIOUS ABOUT CONSULTING? Want to see Daryl’s wacky side?
–Visit Daryl’s blog at JumpToConsulting (300+ posts…)